Thinner M3B bermanfaat sebagai campuran tinta sablon dan sebagai cairan untuk menghilangkan sisa cat pada screen, dapat juga digunakan sebagai bahan untuk sablon PVC.
Keunggulan Produk Thinner M3B:
- Sebagai campuran tinta sablon yang cukup baik
- Dapat menghilangkan sisa cat pada screen dengan cukup baik
- Bahan untuk sablon PVC
Ciri Fisik Thinner M3B:
Berbentuk: Cairan
Warna: Transparan/Bening
Cara Menggunakan Thinner M3B:
Campurkan pada tinta sampai tercapai kekentalan yang bisa kita aplikasikan.
Jerigen (20liter)
Drum (200 liter)
Info Lainnya:
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Thinner M3B
Thinner M3B is useful as a mixture of screen printing ink and as a liquid to remove paint residue on the screen, it can also be used as a material for PVC screen printing.
M3B Thinner Product Advantages:
As a mixture of screen printing ink that is quite good
Can remove residual paint on the screen quite well
Material for PVC screen printing
Physical Characteristics of Thinner M3B:
Form: Liquid
Color: Transparent / Clear
How to Use M3B Thinner:
Mix in the ink until you reach a thickness that you can apply.
Jerry Can (20 liters)
Drum (200 liters)
Other Info:
The information provided is intended to provide an overview of product performance under specific test conditions. We are not responsible for the use of the product as the circumstances in which the product is used in practice vary. We reserve the right to change the data provided without notice.
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